Nicholas Gurnard

Personal Interests


Studying as an exchange student in Sweden reshaped how I viewed the world. Engineers and scientists have far reaching influence across the globe, and I have deeply fallen in love learning how communities and cultures share ideas. Below is a map that I plan on continuously updating that covers all of my traveled to places!

  • Purple: places I have been to
  • Blue: routes I have biked, since I love slow travel (coming soon!)

Rock Climbing

I have been a climber on and off for about 5 years, and love going bouldering indoors and top roping outdoors. These pictures highlight some of my favorite climbs with friends at Lake Tahoe. We had to hike out to get to this relatively secluded spot, and had an amazing view of Emerald Bay.

Tahoe Send Tahoe Send 2 Emerald Bay

Surfing & Skimboarding

Some of my favorite pastimes. It is a little harder to get pictures of these (you know, water and all), so below are some of my favorite beaches!

Usal Beach Usal Beach Painter Victoria Beach, Laguna Black's Beach, SD